NativeTrainer.asi: This file allows users to add multiple layers of cheats including teleportation, super jump, invincibility, and changing skin alongside others.ScriptHookV.dll: This files allows custom scripts to be loaded in GTA 5.dinput8.dll: This file is the ASI Loader, that helps in loading files with.In addition, the zip file contains a folder called ‘bin’ with three files in it.

The software includes ASI Loader and Native Trainer, which allows various cheats, including teleportation, super jump, and faster running.īelow are the steps to help you get started. Created by Alexander Blade, Script Hook V is a library of files that allow multiple modders to write scripts and hooks into GTA 5’s story mode.

GTA 5’s most of the mods are scripts, and you’ll need to have Script Hook V installed. To add mods to your GTA 5, first, make sure to have a couple of things handy since the mods come in two different categories, scripts, and resource mods.